Saturday, February 23, 2013

10 Minute Craft Dash

Hier habe ich (wie angekündigt) noch ein mal eine Karte zum 10 Minute Craft Dash zu machen. Dieses mal gefällt mir das Ergebnis wesentlich besser.

Awesome Blossom, Petal Pushers


  1. Super dynamic card really jumps off the page !


  2. Wow, in 10 min eine Karte basteln, das ist eine echt Herrausforderung! Deine ist super gelungen, sehr schön!

    Gruß Katja

  3. This is beautiful! I love the layout, and how you incorporated the colours together. Thanks so much for playing with us at the Craft Dash - I hope we'll see you again!

  4. Christine this is AWESOME! Absolutely perfect in every way! I'm not sure if I could come up with this in 10 hours! I just love it!

  5. Such a happy card. Bright and cheery and all in less than 10 minutes. Wonderful! Bev

  6. This card is fantastic! You definitely rocked these colors and I love that little "window" showcasing the flower in the middle.

    Thank you for joining in the 10 Minute Craft Dash, Christine. I hope you can play with us again soon!

  7. Awesome creation. Great job done with the colours!Thanks so much playing along 10 min craft dash! Do join us again! :)


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