
Saturday, February 6, 2016

Cards - different styles, different occasions and some personal talk

Hello my lovely friends :)

I am so happy that you're still checking back with me, even if you know that I don't post a lot over here. (I sometimes remember the days back when I posted up to three posts a day - and I miss extreme-crafting a lot.)

I spend a lot of time for Create A Smile of course.

  • designing new products (Stamps, dies, paper, chipboards, stencils,... yes - I do this all by myself and I am beyond proud of it because I was never taught how to illustrate, use vector files and stuff - it was all learning by doing),
  • answering customer emails and questions on social media
  • working with retailers 
  • packing orders
  • coordinating the Design Teams (well, okay, I admit that these girls ROCK - and they coordinate themselves pretty well, but they mean the WORLD to me and I need to connect, talk to them, get to know them better, ask for their opinion and take their advice - the Create A Smile family talk is not "work" - it's what makes this the most fun part!)
  • preparing releases and graphics
  • promoting and marketing
  • caring for giveaways and Guest Designers
  • keeping an eye on our stocked items and re-ordering
  • connecting to people all around the world via social media (especially facebook and instagram)
  • packing products (yes, stickers, stamps, dies and stencils are packed here in the CAS headquaters)
  • ....
I do all this and I love all this - but it is not even my day-job. I work in a youth centre 20 hours per week, traveling there by train (which takes up some time as well....).
So when I come home at night I usually cook, eat, sit on the sofa with Michael and the cats, color one or two images or practice my lettering skills while watching TV and then go to bed. The nights are family time. In the mornings I get up to care for CAS before I rush to work. That's how it works - I am a busy busy girl.

Don't get me wrong, I am HAPPY - I love my job and I love my business - but sometimes I can't make up any time (and more than that- ENERGY) to write up blog posts. I usually post my cards on the Create A Smile instagram account, which means I don't get to share many of my cards using other companies. But if you still want to see most of my cards subscribing to the Create A Smile instagram account will be helpful. ;)

Today I decided to write this post sharing some cards - and add some info on how life works over here and why I am so MIA most of the time.
If someone was ever worrying: I am doing fine - I think I have never felt that well-balanced before, full of motivation and feeling that I am appreciated and loved. (Of course there are days when I would like this world to stop for a moment, so I can take a deep breath and pause, but that's a rare case - and to be true - it MIGHT have something to do with hormones now and then ;) ) I don't go out a lot like I was used to and I don't meet friends a lot - but I have some wonderful ladies that I met in this crafty online community whom I call close friends, even if we mostly connect via facebook. I know I can talk to them whenever I need to and we share similar interests, hopes and values. I am blessed.

So, if you've come this far - thanks for reading this personal stuff and spending some time with me. :)

Now, here are the cards I'd like to share today:

 1) It's your birthday
this card is pretty untypical  - no one would ever guess this is my card. I finally had time to get crafty but had a complete lack of mojo, so I tried to combine come challenges and fin the end this came out. And I really like it :)

2) Happy Birthday

I got some new Copic Markers today, so I really wanted to color. IN the end I used a combo of markers that I've had before - but well - at least I colored :)

3) Post zum Geburtstag
This card is completely inspired my my muse Laura Bassen (oh boy, how I LOVE her work and her videos!). She posted a card using diecut numbers with inkblending and I started with that idea in mind. Of course I like her's better - nothing beats the original!

 4) Let's have some coffee
When I got my last inkpads from Simon Says Stamps I stamped this background to play with my new inks. It's been lying on my desk for more than a month now and now I finally managed to use it.

Thank you for your visit, for your lovely comments, for being there even if I can't see you. I appreciate it. A LOT.


  1. Du hörst dich ja sehr beschäftigt an und dann zeigst du uns vier tolle Karten! Habe kürzlich, u.a., diese tollen Nummern von der dritten Karte bestellt und kann nicht warten, sie auszuprobieren (es dauert wohl ein Weilchen bis nach Amerika...)! Sie sind so cool! Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass Create a Smile fast ein Vollzeitjob ist! Aber wenn's Spass macht, hat man auch mehr Energie, nicht wahr! So weiterhin viel Erfolg!

  2. I'm always happy to see your crafty work, and I'm also so pleased that your company is going so strong due to your hard work! Congrats!

  3. you are BEYOND amazing Christine! I'm so lucky to know you <3 <3

  4. I so miss working with you! I'm so proud of how far your company has come!!! That first card especially is completely brilliant xxx

  5. AMAZING!! I LOVE each of your cards. So know how crafting is the last thing on the list. It is on my end and I don't do the design work you do. However, I am glad that you are doing so well. Your designs rock!!

  6. Christine you've always been brilliant - I love your edgy cards best (the ambulance with the big red splat is my all time favourite) but having said that, the cards above are beautiful . Thank you so much for sharing a bit about your life. That is real dedication! I'm currently about to go back to my city job after 4 months off with a new baby and I think it is going to hit me like a sledgehammer. I've loved being more involved in the virtual crafty community and I hope I can keep it up but I worry I can't. Please keep posting and keep CAS awesome!

  7. Such a gorgeous collection of cards, Christine! I love how each card is so special, and has amazing details...WOW! Thanks so much for playing along with us this week at Addicted to CAS! It's always great to see your creations in the gallery!

  8. Your creations are amazing of course :)

    Thanks for giving us an insight of your life. You're like superwoman and i'm so proud to be a part of the create a smile team. Whenever you need help and take a break, i'm around :)

  9. Ahh Christine, lovely to come back myself after a week away and this is the first post I see on Feedly, how cool is that. So glad you found the time to post and what a wonderful collection of cards. You are doing such a wonderful job and wow to be running a new company and being every step of that business and working externally as well, your brilliant. Keep up the inspiration for the rest of us, we love to see your wonderful stamps, dies etc and your wonderful cards.

  10. Hello Christine!
    Your cards are gorgeous (as always)!! :o)
    Thanks for giving us an insight of your life... SUPERWOMAN!!! :o) You are a SMILE CREATOR! I LOVE everything you do: CAS stamps and other stuff, cards, hand lettering, smilespotting... :o)

  11. I have to say that I agree with all the upper comments, you are a superwoman! Love all of your designs and you inspire me with each of your cards :)
    xx Kaja

  12. Jaaa, manchmal kann das Leben ganz schön stressig sein. Aber zum Glück kommen auch immer wieder andere Zeiten. Und Glück ist auch, dass Du trotz allem immer noch die Zeit findest, Deinem "Hobby" nachzugehen und sooo wunderbare Sachen zauberst!
    Ich bin wieder hin und weg von Deinen Kreationen, jede anders und doch alle umwerfend!
    Hab vielen Dank, liebe Christine, dass Du sie bei CUYL zeigst und hab einen stressfreien Sonntag.

  13. Thank you for joining us at Allsorts this week :)
    AnyOldCraft (DT)

  14. Love all your FABulous inspirational cards♡

  15. These cards are all so gorgeous and reflect your positive creativity! You do an amazing job with CAS on top of work and home. It is great to see you blog some of your creations :)

  16. These cards are fabulous! Wow! Those flowers are just gorgeous! The colours are so vibrant! Thanks for joining us this week at Freshly Made Sketches!

  17. Simply amazing...all of them! I'm amazed you had any time to make this stunning array! Glad you joined us this week at FMS!

  18. You are a busy gal! So glad you find time to create these beautiful cards!

  19. Beautiful cards and congratulations for being chosen Queen of Clean!

  20. hi! wow, these are awesome, luv your CAS style! so glad you played along with the simon says stamp wednesday challenge!

    shine on *~*

  21. Wow Christine, was du alles unter einen Hut bekommst, das ist beeindruckend!
    Der Begriff Super-Woman, der hier in den Kommentaren schon fiel, beschreibt dich irgendwie ziemlich gut!
    Ich findes es toll und bin dankbar dafür, dass du uns alle durch die vielen tollen Create a Smile-Produkte an deinem Ideenreichtum teilhaben lässt! :-)
    Liebe Grüße von Wiebke

  22. Wow!!! Such a GORGEOUS showcase of cards!!! I am also your latest follower! Thank u! :)
    Suchi xx

  23. Amazing array of card. Thanks for joining us at ATCAS

  24. Wundervolle Karten, Christine- wie eigentlich immer ;o) Ich mag vor allem die Laura Bassen inspirierte Karte, aber auch die anderen sind genial. Vollkommen unterschiedlich und toll coloriert! Du hast da offenbar wirklich eine ganze Menge um die Ohren, schön, dass es Dir trotzdem immer noch Freude macht!!! ;o)
    Liebe Grüße,

  25. Thanks for keeping it CAS for our challenge at allsorts tracy x

  26. Wundervolle Karten machst du!
    Danke, dass du bei CUYL dabei bist.
    Liebe Grüße

  27. What a beautiful cards, love the first one so much!
