
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Das doppelte Lottchen #147

It's sunday, that means it's Lottie and Lisa time!

That means Anni and I usually pick a stamp or stamp set or die that we both have (we nearly have the same taste!) and create a card with this product and another task.
Today Anni made a wish, and it is:

Hero Art - Robot Trio
Ink Smooshing

Today's kind of a funny (somewhat embarrassing post). You know what? I seem to get old.

Here's the story:
It started with just a tiny brain dysfunction:
Last saturday I started creating the card for this Lottie and Lisa. When I was halfway done I remembered that Anni was on vacation and there would be no Lottie and Lisa the next day. How could I forget that when we even communicated everyday - even during her vacation?

Then the brain dysfunction showed it's whole extent:
When my card was finished and photographed, the photos edited and ready for saving it to my computer I got a message that "this file already exists." Uhm, what?
Given that I name the photos in a certain way this could aonly mean that I had already prepared a card for this Lottie and Lisa sometime during this summer.

It got worse:
I looked up the prepared card, found it and saw that it was super close to the new attempt. 
To give a résumé:

1) I didn't remember Anni was on vacation
2) I didn't remember I already made this card
3) My memory didn't even show any reaction when I used the exact same color scheme and exact same technique for this exact same challenge.
4) My memory didn't even notice that I had colored one of the robots  nearly the exact same way just some weeks ago.

Excuse me, what's wrong with me?

Well, however, I now have two cards to share and both have completely different layouts (at least!). Seems I kind of made my own Lottie and Lisa - haha!

Here's the new card that I made last week (and which is my favorite):

I think the robot trio screams for abirthday card, so I wanted to use a new German word die (saying "birthday" - it's from Create A Smile and will be released some time in November - shht) To add some dimension I decided to cut it from Cardstock and also from fun foam. This adds a little extra, don't you think?

Seite the birthday - anything goes
Virginia's view - all about textures
Simon Says Stamp - Anything goes

And here's the card that I made some time aho - even If didn't remember until I saw it ;)

Ink Smooshing is super popular right now and I remember that I wanted to spice it up a bit - I I created a smooshing panel and cut it into strips. Not sure if this makes such a bug difference (and if the difference is in a good way).

That was it from this old-brained Lady (and I am only 33...)

Thanks for visiting! :)
Now hop over to Anni's blog to find her creation :) 


  1. Huhu Süße,
    Willkommen in meiner Welt :)
    Du brauchst dir wirklich keine Sorgen zu machen, du bist nicht alleine mit der "Funktionsstörung" ;)
    Ich sehe das sogar positiv, denn die Karten sind einfach der Hit! Die Roboter sind sooo süß und die Farben, die leuchten wie die Sonnenstrahlen!
    Ganz liebe Grüße sendet Dir

  2. Ich finde beide Karten ganz bezaubernd schön ! Die Farben leuchten wirklich um die Wette. Passend zum Herbst bevor er jetzt grau und trist wird.
    Liebe Grüße

  3. Haha, lustig ist die Geschichte auf jeden Fall! Und wir freuen uns, dass wir heute zwei so schöne Karten anschauen dürfen! (Und ich freue mich, dass ich nicht alleine verpeilt bin!)
    Ich muss dir recht geben, die erste gefällt mir ein wenig besser - wahrscheinlich auch wegen der genialen Stanze! Dass sogar die Die Cuts aus Mossgummi so gut geworden sind freut mich total - das sieht echt super aus!
    Wieder ein tolles Lottchen - dieses Mal ein Dreier Lottchen (Du, Christine und ich)!

  4. Hi, hi, was für eine Geschichte! Mir ist ja schon mal passiert, dass ich kurz vor Ladenschluss panisch losgelaufen bin, noch ein Toastbrot, weil ich überzeugt war, keins mehr im Haus zu haben, obwohl ich erst am Mittag welches gekauft habe. Aber so was wie dir ist mir noch nie passiert. Toll natürlich, dass wir deshalb heute gleich zwei Karten von dir zu sehen bekommen. Mir gefallen tatsächlich beide. Wobei die Die-Cuts auf der ersten wirklich der Hammer sind! :o)

  5. The ink smooshing really adds so much to your designs, Christine, beautiful work! Thanks for sharing them with us at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge!

  6. Tee hee ... what a fun story, Christine ... these are both so fabulous! Gorgeous smooshed backgrounds, and super cool, beautifully coloured robots ... such cuties! Thanks so much for playing along with us at Seize the Birthday! Anita - Surprise Party Guest :)

  7. You never have a tiny brain moment since these two cards are brilliant! Beautiful play in the textured background! The colors really show off the design fabulously! I love love that Geburstag die!! It's so cool to have a German one (endlich, nicht wahr?). So glad that you join the fun over Virginia’s View “All About Textures” Challenge!

  8. Ha ha, these things do happen! I am so glad that others have the same experience. Great card, have a lovely week ahead.

  9. Haha, wie klasse! Ich finde beide Karten megatoll! Besonders cool finde ich die Moosgummischrift :) LG von Biggi

  10. Ich mag beide karten soo tolL!! Die Robis sind super, die Farben.. einfach toll! Und dass du jetzt langsam alt wirst tut mir wirklich sehr leid ;-) hihi

  11. I love these so much! Great robots and backgrounds!!!

  12. These cards are Super Christine! Love the colors, the backgrounds and those adorable robots! So glad you joined us this time over at Seize the Birthday!

  13. Fun and cute cards. Thanks so much for sharing them with us at Seize the Birthday.
